Something most people have done at least once in their lives is raise their phone to the sky and snap a picture. And not just any picture, a picture of a lasting sunrise.
Sunrises look beautiful and are full of bright colors that overlap the sky, which can be seen for miles. However, sunrises are more than just a beaut; they are a sign of a new day and a new beginning. On Friday, Aug. 23, 2024, the sun rose at 6:18 a.m., and Rancho Cucamonga High School hosted its annual Senior Sunrise event on the football field.
“I think that we have been doing senior sunrise, I want to say the first time we did it was in maybe 2016, 17, 18, somewhere in there, so probably at least seven years,” Ms. Heather Landau, the ASB Adviser, said. “I think that’s how long we’ve been doing it.”
Senior members of the RCHS dance team performed at Senior Sunrise to represent one of their last times performing this school year for RCHS.

“It’s their first opportunity to get together and celebrate the fact that they’re seniors, and it’s just supposed to be a moment for them to open up their senior year and get excited about everything that’s going to happen this year,” Landau said.
Seniors came wearing clothing that matched the theme “aloha” and brought blankets to lay on the field to watch the sunrise.
“Usually, it’s really just kind of hangout, an opportunity for everybody to just kind of hang out with each other, take fun pictures, get some free food, and hopefully get to play some games over here,” Landau said.
There was coffee and a large variety of donuts. ASB also provided a backdrop and decorated picture frames so seniors could take lasting photographs. There was also a pin-pong table.
“It’s a really great tradition that we have that is a great kick-off. Seniors, to me, set the tone of the school, and if the seniors are excited to be here, then everybody else is excited to be here,” Landau said. “So what I hope is that everybody will get excited about their senior year from this point forward. It brings seniors together because it allows a community where everybody’s just bonding together and having a great time while celebrating something that’s beginning, and they’re going to have something with meaning.”
Senior Class President Ariana Devitta said that having an event such as Senior Sunrise is a chance for the class of ‘25 to truly spend time with one another and even have opportunities to bond with individuals that they had not before
“It allows a community where everybody’s just bonding together and having a great time while celebrating something that’s beginning,” Devitta said.
Devitta helped set up everything for Senior Sunrise.
“I had a lot of support from my other seniors to help make all the posters and decorations.’’ Devitta said. “I personally woke up at four o’clock. The juniors woke up probably at 4 o’clock, too. To come and set up.’’
Despite the early start time for Senior Sunrise, many attendees said they were happy they went.
“I didn’t expect a lot of people to come and for it to be this fun,’’ senior Hayley Osika said. “I’m so glad I came because I like, I thought that waking up early was like just so annoying, but it’s so fun.’’
The Senior Sunrise not only allowed the seniors to spend time with one another but also indulge in the activities at the event.