Free and Reduced Lunch


Benjamin Lightfoot

Students waiting in line for lunch

The free and reduced lunch program is being implemented into schools everywhere, providing multiple opportunities for students and families to succeed now and in the future.

“The free and reduced lunch program is a program where students who qualify as needing assistance are provided opportunities and benefits both at the school and beyond,” said Mr. Jeremy Hansen, assistant principal of achievement at RCHS.

This opportunity not only applies to lunch but other activities as well.

Mr. Hansen said benefits from this program include, “free breakfast and lunch every school day, a free PSAT, free SAT and ACT tests, four free college applications, free participation in division one and division two athletics, a dramatically reduced price for AP exams, from ninety dollars per exam to about sixteen dollars, and probably most importantly, protects school funding.”

To apply to this amazing opportunity, please go to the homepage of the Rancho website and click the tab on the right that says “confidential survey.” Then, complete the survey that takes about 5 minutes and answer the two key questions: how many individuals live in the household and what is the average income. It’s that simple.

Take advantage of this opportunity and get the most of what is worthwhile!