“Do – Re – Mi – Fa – So – La – Ti – Do!”
The familiar notes fill the room as the RCHS choir starts their warm-up. This is a daily tradition for the Chambers Choir, a group known for its high level of talent. Each note gets the members excited and ready to learn more.
At Rancho Cucamonga High School, the Chambers Choir program performs several times a year, learns music theory, and different cultural music, and sings to their best abilities. This year, RCHS welcomed a new choir teacher to lead the program: Dr. Joel Wilson.
On Monday, Feb. 24, choir performed in a Broadway Dream showcase where members from all three choir classes performed songs from various Broadway shows and musicals. Some of the standout performances included “You Can’t Stop the Beat,” and “The Impossible Dream,” both performed by Chambers Choir.
Leading the program

“I’ve been teaching for 21 years, and I wanted to come to Rancho because this is where my family and I live, this is where my kids go to school,” Wilson said. “I’ve wanted to be part of Rancho Cucamonga High School because I’ve heard so many good things about it, and that it’s such a wonderful place to work. So I’ve been looking, and then the job came up, and so I jumped on it.”
Dr. Wilson has taught choir, music appreciation, and musical theater throughout his career. His philosophy on teaching music is all about using music to help students become better people. He believes that while learning music is important, the choir also teaches students about different cultures, languages, and musical styles.
In addition to music, choir helps build skills like teamwork and problem-solving, which are useful in many areas of life. Dr. Wilson said he sees choir as a way to help students grow and succeed, not just as musicians, but as individuals who can apply these lessons in everyday situations.
Dr. Wilson believes that the choir’s strength depends on everyone doing their part. Each member’s contribution is important to the group’s success. He emphasizes the importance of teamwork in the program; everyone works together to achieve a common goal.
Choir provides students the chance to learn about different cultures through the music they sing, helping them understand not only the songs but also their significance in other cultures. Dr. Wilson pointed out that learning music is like learning a new language, which helps uniquely train the brain. He feels these skills benefit students in other subjects as well.
“When you sing choir,” Wilson said, “you’re learning problem-solving, inter-developmental skills, how to work with other people, how you’re going to have to think with other people, and how to approach a problem with a different perspective. No matter what you do in your life, those skills will translate to the workforce and make it better and easier for you to interact with people.”
Dr. Wilson said the choir program is trying to get more involved in campus life, and the program is currently collaborating with the drama program on their upcoming musical “Into The Woods.”
“Choir is for everybody,” Wilson said. “The skills that you learn, everyone can use, even if a lot of people think, ‘Oh I can’t sing’. Well, that’s okay, that’s why we learn how to sing in choir. So, no matter what level of ability you have, anyone can join, and we’d love to have everybody, you know, boys, girls, non-binary, whoever you are, we take everyone.”
The choir program isn’t just about singing and music, it’s about a sense of community and a place to reside. Choir is about learning to unify voices and work together to produce sound. They work on music theory, songs, and performances for their shows.

“It has allowed me to meet so many amazing people,” Chambers Choir president junior Maia Gierczak said. “It also has expanded my musical knowledge and capabilities as a student to be involved in the school and within the program.”
Gierczak has been in the choir program for three years and plans to also her senior year. Her goal this year and the next is to get more publicity and funding for the choir program.
Gierczak said she looks forward to graduating next year and encourages Rancho Cucamonga students to join the choir program. She mentioned that the choir program doesn’t only cover the makeup of girls, but also boys. She highlighted the importance of the male vocal section that ties the whole choir together.
Gierczak will also perform in the spring musical “Into the Woods.”
“I’m playing a few of the small roles including, Jack’s mom, Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, and Cinderella’s stepmother,” said Gierczak. “Choir does take a large part in it and I think that’s cool, like a collaboration between Drama and Choir. I love participating in musicals because it is a combination of acting and music and it brings the stories to life on stage.”

Sophomore Matthew Layne, who leads the baritone section, is a new addition to the choir program. He shared his reasons for joining.
Layne expressed how he took choir at his middle school in eighth grade, and his mother highly encouraged him to pursue it in high school as well. At first, he said he was hesitant because his eighth-grade choir experience wasn’t the best, but he is now grateful to be part of the choir.
“I was gonna try and take Woodshop, but my mom told me to take choir, and to be honest, I don’t regret it,” Layne said. “It’s nice being out here being part of the program, and it gave me something to do, and I’ve made many friends.”
Overall, the choir program at RCHS is an important part of campus life, offering students the chance to grow both musically and personally. With the recent hire of Dr. Wilson, the choir has become more involved in school events, working with other programs and performing on different occasions.
Students like Gerchuk and Layne said choir means a lot to them, from making friends to developing as individuals. Whether it’s through performances, teamwork, or learning about other cultures, the choir is making a difference in the lives of its members and the whole school community.
Students who are looking to make new friends, learn new things, and be part of something that brings people together, has many opportunities in choir. Joining choir gives students the opportunity to not only be a part of the music but leave a lasting impact on the school.