Teachers Adapt to the New Challenges of Distance Learning

Mrs. Schneider

Ms. Herchenroeder, a teacher here on campus

Amelia Mora, Staff Reporter

With the transition to complete distance learning, teachers at Rancho Cucamonga High School face new challenges when it comes to delivering instruction and keeping students engaged.


Señora Alicia Gonzalez, a Spanish teacher at RCHS, said she wants to give her students a positive and productive learning experience. She gives out similar assignments from Google Classroom and uses familiar websites like Quizlet and Edpuzzle to keep her students engaged.


She tells her students to have a good mindset when it comes to distance learning. Gonzalez said, “there are always pros and cons with this situation or any situation.”


When it comes to distance learning, there are many new unique challenges both students and teachers face. One of the biggest challenges is technology issues.


Gonzalez said, “having internet problems and working with technology is always unpredictable”.


However, Gonzalez also said that using Canvas will eventually help students with college and getting out of their comfort zone.


Ms. Kristen Herchenroeder, a chemistry teacher at RCHS said the biggest help when it comes to connecting to students is Zoom so she can see her students, hear her students, and do lab demonstrations for them. Since she already met her students from last year, it made Chemistry a less difficult subject to teach online. She said her main struggle is not getting to know her students.


Her goal is to find ways to have hand-on activities that students can do at home. Using Canvas has been a huge learning experience for Ms. Herchenroeder, and it has taught her patience and how to use different technologies.  She wants her students to have a positive and productive learning experience.


Across campus, teachers and students alike are adjusting to a new way of teaching and learning. The district has a tech hotline for students to call if they have trouble with Canvas or their district Chromebooks. Students can call 909-948-8226 for technology assistance.