Throughout September and October, the students of Rancho Cucamonga High School had the opportunity to submit a bookmark to the school library for the annual RCHS bookmark contest. Submission closed on Friday, Oct. 18, with the voting starting soon after. On Sunday, Oct. 27, Ms. Connie Joyce, the RCHS teacher librarian, announced the winners.
The first-place winner was Jolin Wang, a sophomore, which shows Emily from the 2005 movie “Corpse Bride” holding a book with butterflies coming out. At the bottom of the page are some books of various shapes and sizes.
Wang said that she chose “Corpse Bride” as it is her favorite movie, and she has an appreciation for Tim Burton’s style.
“I’ve liked it [art] for a long time, since I was little,” Wang said.
The second-place winner was Judy Hang, also a sophomore. Hang’s drawing featrures a library with an open window of a sunset over the mountains. Inside the library is a girl standing with a book with lightning coming out of it.
Unlike the other winners, Hang’s art was created digitally. The perspective was chosen so they wouldn’t have to model the person after another character.
Hang expressed her excitement and slight sadness over the competition.
“[It’s] exciting but also a bit sad that I didn’t get first,” Hang said.
The third-place winner was Arlo Whelchel, a senior. The bookmark is a meme. A cartoon cougar is on the top of the bookmark before he starts reading. After the cougar reads, he is a more realistic cougar listing facts. Whelchel said it is based on the classic style of before and after memes.
Whelchel explained how the bookmark design was chosen: “Kids love memes and older people memes too. It’s just like of a universal like,” says Whelchel.
A special thanks to the teachers who encouraged and introduced the competition to these winning artists.