Artists often need help getting their work out there, with it taking such a long time to find an opportunity. However, one way student artists can get recognition is by participating in the school’s annual bookmark contest.

Rancho Cucamonga High School has an annual competition where students compete to create a bookmark for the school. This is an opportunity for a students’ art to be on display. Plus, there is also a little money as an incentive.
First place will win a $50 gift card to places like Target, Starbucks, and Barnes and Noble. The second and third-place winners will get a $25 gift card. On top of that, placing in the top looks good on any academic application, and the library will print out the top five to ten designs as bookmarks for students.
To compete in the annual bookmark contest, students may submit their bookmark design to the library. Bookmarks must be turned in before Friday, Oct. 18.
The art must be seven inches tall by two inches wide using any artistic medium.
If the student does not have access to tools at home, there are some materials like colored pencils and some markers available in the Library, so the student can still compete; as for students who wish to take advantage of this may go before class, during lunches, or after school.
The art must include your name and the year (2024-2025) on the front. The artist can also draw inspiration from any important events from the year or their favorite, TV shows, charaters, movies or other influences of the artist. In addition, it must draw inspiration from learning, education, or reading in some way.
Ms. Connie Joyce, the RCHS teacher librarian, said, “Your name on the front, not the back you so get credit for it.”