Rancho Cucamonga High School celebrated kindness with its annual Kindness Week on Aug. 26 through Aug. 30 . This week was coordinated by the Associative Student Body (ASB). Kindness Week is a week of scheduled activities where students are encouraged to form connections with each other through fun games that anyone could enjoy. The purpose of this week is to promote the act of being kind to others and the idea that small acts of kindness are more meaningful than one would think.
The activities for this week included a variety of fun games that were free for anyone to join.
On Monday, Aug. 26, ASB introduced beach-themed photo-ops, which included a wave and a surfboard students could stand on, which they kept for the week-long festivities. ASB also made decorative banners that were displayed around the school to promote this spirit week.
Senior Kennedy Ness shared her thoughts on the spirit week.
“I think the decorations are really cute and the activities seem fun,” Ness said.
On Tuesday, there was an open basketball game in the quad. Wednesday, they sold lemonade for a dollar. The lemonade stand had many customers as students lined up during lunch to refresh their thirst. Then on Thursday, an intense tug-of-war game took place in the quad. To end the week, students were encouraged to bring a floatie to school in order to receive a free root beer float.

(Sophie Patron)
Kindness is a virtue that doesn’t go unnoticed at RCHS. As many students agreed, it is very important to commit small acts of kindness each day.
“I am continuing to be kind everyday and, I will probably bring a floatie,” freshman Ian Arciniega said.
Ness agreed that kindness is an important quality that can go a long way.
“I think kindness is more rare these days and I think people are more entitled for no reason. It isn’t hard to be kind,” Ness said.