Girls varsity soccer starts impressive seasons

 A member of the RCHS girls varsity soccer team gets ready to throw the ball back into play in a game against Serrano on Dec. 14.

Courtesy rchs.girlssoccer via Instagram

A member of the RCHS girls varsity soccer team gets ready to throw the ball back into play in a game against Serrano on Dec. 14.


The RCHS girls soccer team kicked off its pre-season games with a starting record of 4-3. On November 29, the Cougars defeated Oak Hills 1-0. Later in pre-season play, Citrus Valley defeated the Cougars 2-4 on Dec. 1. 


During a recent game against the Bloomington Bruins, the RCHS Cougars crushed the field winning 3-0. 


Currently, the girls are hoping to continue a winning streak throughout the season. In a recent game, the Cougars defeated Western Christian High School 3-1 on Saturday, Dec. 10.


The lady Cougars followed up the win against Western Christian with another win against Serrano on Wednesday, Dec. 14, in which the varsity girls won 2-1.


“I play forward, our season is going well, we’re definitely a very hardworking team so we’re excited for the league to start,” senior and forward Faith Escobedo said. “We’ve just had a few pre-season games but we’re working and connecting well together.”


Girls soccer is currently on a 2 score winning streak and hope to continue this and their teamwork.


“The season is going good, we had our ups and downs but we still play with a positive mindset,“ senior and winger/forward Kylene Torrez said.

Beginning with their league games, the girls varsity started with a win against Los Osos 2-0 on January 6 and losing an away game against Etiwanda 2-0 on January 11 of 2023. Later on,  in a home game against Chino Hills the girls won 4-1 on January 13. 

During the beginning of their league season the boys varsity has 2 wins and 1 loss. For both seasons thus far the girls have an impeccable performance during home games with a streak of 3-4-1. For away games their streak of wins, draws, and losses lead toward 6-1 updated from their away game against St. Lucy’s on January 15, scoring a win of 3-0 and Upland on January 20 with a score of 2-1. 

However, the varsity girls had lost a home game against Los Osos 4-1 on January 23 and an away game against Etiwanda 3-0 on January 25. This changed their overall score on January 25 to 12-7-2 with a 0.62% rate of winning their games.

“League is going good!” Torres said. “We are currently in first place in league so we are going to try to make sure it stays that way.”

“I like that I can go against tough opponents and it’ll make me become a better player,” senior and goalie Karissa Morgan said.