Sophomores take the PSAT
The sophomores took the PSAT on Wednesday, Oct. 12 The PSAT is also known as the Preliminary SAT.
“I was very nervous and confused,” sophomore Grace Stephenson said.
The PSAT is a test that includes math, evidence-based reading, and writing. The perfect score for the PSAT is 1520. There are many reason as to why people should take the test.
“Students should take the PSAT because it is a practice SAT so they’ll know what they need to do to prepare to take the SAT,” RCHS counselor Ms. Brigitte Hughes said.
Students took the test during the first four periods of the school day.
Along with the entire sophomore class, freshmen AVID students also had the opportunity to take the test. Some juniors also paid to take the PSAT as well.
Maxine Reyes is a freshman at RCHS, and this is her first year in journalism. She has not had any prior experience in journalism or writing stories. Reyes...