RCHS Choir prepares for upcoming events

Photo by: Principal Joshua Kirk
RCHS choir performs the National Anthem at this year’s “Back to School Night” to kick off the event
Rancho Cucamonga High School choirs open yet another year full of concerts, performances, and events, striving to improve and expand their musical talent.
This year, choir plans to go bigger and better, bolstering the program with more trips, cabaret nights, musicals, and other events.
Precious Ani, senior and member of Chambers choir, said, “I’m most excited about the possibility of joining Honor Choir and going to Disneyland.”
The singers are already back to work, preparing for the upcoming fall and winter concerts. Later in the year, choir will team up with RCHS drama to produce the musical “Little Shop of Horrors.”
Choir performances are not only limited to the RCHS campus, however. RCHS choir also sings for the entire district and community. These performances “take months to prepare for,” said junior, Samantha Oceguera, who was sworn in as a council member on Monday, Aug. 22.
District-wide events to look out for these upcoming months include the Long Beach performance on Oct. 19 and the district festival on Wednesday, Oct. 26.
Choir spreads a welcoming, inclusive culture to the rest of the campus by encouraging others to become a part of their “big family,” said Oceguera. “Sometimes it’s serious and sometimes we just want to have fun.”
For many students, choir also presents the opportunity to expand their abilities as singers and musicians.
“It’s really good to expand your singing and to expose yourself to the world,” said Ani.
She also mentioned that her favorite part about RCHS choir is “having relationships with the people and having other people who can appreciate your talent as well as being able to appreciate others’ talents.”
However, her least favorite part of choir is the pressure, the constant need to push yourself further than you ever thought possible.
“There is always a pressure to want to do better than your best,” said Ani. “Yes, widen your range and grow as a singer, but don’t overdo yourself.”
Along with the pressure also comes the fear of disappointment. Oceguera best describes this as stage-fright. They said, “It just gets kinda nerve-wracking, whether it be like solos or not.”
Regardless, RCHS choir aims to rebuild their culture by recruiting, encouraging, and accommodating new members.
Oceguera said that choir likes to engage new singers by “participating in as many festivals and events that we can.”
In the long run, students who enjoy singing and who desire musical growth should join choir to hone their craft and gain confidence.
“We’re one of the best choirs in all the district, and we have a very welcoming class,” said Oceguera. “We’re always about welcoming other students, making sure everyone feels included, and to just, like, have a good time together.”
“Students should join the choir because it’s fun and it puts you out there,” said Ani. “Choir has taught me that people don’t really judge you as much as you think they do.”
Students will find information on how to join RCHS choir at the official RCHS choir website or by discussing details with counselors.

Nimrah Khan is a senior at RCHS, and this is her third year in journalism. She is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, The Cat’s Eye. Her favorite...

Lionel Getten is a senior at RCHS, and this is his first year in Journalism. He is the news section editor of the school newspaper, The Cat’s Eye. His...