Does Music Benefit Studying?
April 29, 2021
As finals and AP exams are nearing close, many RCHS students are focusing on studying for their classes. There are many studying methods used, however, one method is questionable among many people. Listening to music while studying is one of the most popular studying methods, but many debate if it is beneficial or hurtful to your process.
RCHS junior Erica Lubatti thinks music can aid your study process a lot. “By listening to music, I tend to get my tasks done quicker than with no music. It helps me focus and my mind doesn’t wander off”, said Lubatti.
According to instructor Nicky Davis on, there are different ways music can affect a student’s study time. Music that is soothing and relaxing with a smooth tone can tend to ease stress and anxiety while studying. Soothing music can also motivate and improve a students’ mood while increasing endurance.
RCHS junior Jeffrey Hernandez believes that slow and calming music is best suited for him while he is studying. Hernandez said, “I would recommend ambient music or music without lyrics. Music with lyrics or loud instrumentals may distract the listener from properly being immersed into studying.”
Although there are benefits to listening to music, Davis has pointed out the flaws as well. According to his research, students who listen to music while studying tend to be less efficient and absorb less information. However, it is shown that it may depend on the type of music they listen to. To add on, listening to music at high volume can have adverse effects on mood and focus, making studying more difficult.
Lubatti also agrees with the research and understands the effects of different types of music. “Party music or dance music should be avoided because it distracts you and makes you want to get up and move instead of focusing on your work,” Lubatti adds.
With different types of music being able to aid your studying, some students may still prefer to do their work in silence. Junior Zeyir Shabete prefers listening to music before and after studying, but not during. Shabete said, “I don’t often listen to music while studying because I tend to get off track, but when I feel the need to cool down, I take a break and just listen to jams for a few minutes and get back on it.”
For junior Matthew Rodriguez, he thinks music is both good and bad for students. Rodriguez’s opinion is that it really depends on the student and the work. “It depends on your music taste, if it gets you in the mood to be productive, yes it’s beneficial. If it makes you zone out I would not recommend listening to music”, said Rodriguez.
In the end, it seems that the result of listening to music really depends on the student and how they choose to listen while studying. The preferred taste of music will determine the outcome of a study session, so it is up to the student to decide if listening to their playlists will benefit them in the long run.
Listen well, Cougars!